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Rising Actor! 董子健成90後演員登《紐約時報》第一人
2016-06-15 作者:iLOOKER網編輯


標題:A Rising Chinese Actor, Dong Zijian, on Where the Good Movies Are Now
The actor Dong Zijian was in his late teens when he was tapped by the director Liu Jie to play the starring role in his 2013 film “Young Style,” about Beijing high school students preparing for university. Since then, Mr. Dong, now 22, has gone on to star in a number of films. Last year, he was nominated for best actor at the Cannes Film Festival for his role in Jia Zhangke’s “Mountains May Depart.” For his latest film, he teamed up with Mr. Liu once again to make “De Lan,” in which Mr. Dong plays a loan officer who travels to an ethnic Tibetan area of Yunnan Province and falls in love with a local woman. The film has been nominated for the main competition Golden Goblet award at this year’s Shanghai International Film Festival, which opens on Saturday. In an interview, Mr. Dong talked about life as a young actor, the state of independent films in China and why he idolizes Mr. Jia.
Q:How did you get into acting?
It was pretty random. My mom works in the entertainment industry, but I never even considered going into it because I was too heavy, and I had never been asked to be in a movie. Then, when I was 17 or 18, I met the director Liu Jie. I was working out at the gym, and he called out to me and said, “Come here, kid.” So I picked up my sneakers and went over to him. He asked me to act in one of his movies, and I agreed.
Q:What’s it like working as a young actor in China?

People like me are usually at a bit of a disadvantage, because I am not that tall, handsome or talented. I can’t sing or play any instruments. But I’m lucky to be entering the film industry at a propitious time. I’ve had the opportunity to act in some art-house movies and work with a lot of new directors, like Xiao Yang and a Taiwanese director called Zeng Jingshu. Many of the postproduction companies are run and staffed by people from the post-1990 generation. It’s great to see these changes in the Chinese movie industry.
Q:What are your thoughts on the state of independent films in China today?
When people talk about Chinese films, they often talk about the brilliant art-house films of 30 or 40 years ago. They wonder why such films aren’t produced in China today. But, actually, these films do exist. It’s just that people aren’t paying attention. It used to be that the market was small, and those art-house films were the only movies people could watch. I’m talking about films like “Farewell My Concubine,” Zhang Yimou’s “To Live” and other films by Chen Kaige or Xie Jin.
If you make the effort, you can still find these films today. There are more independent-leaning movie directors — people like Liu Jie, Jia Zhangke and Zhang Yimou, to a certain extent.
Q:Perhaps it has more to do with distribution. Even though these films are getting made, it’s hard for independent films to get wide distribution in theaters.
A: Yes, it’s a good time for commercial films and a bad time for serious movies. Some countries have art-house movie theaters dedicated to showing more independent films. China doesn’t have anything like this.
Q:What was it like working with Jia Zhangke?
Amazing. He’s my hero. The first time I saw one of Jia’s movies was when I was 11 or 12 years old. I found a disc on my parents’ DVD shelf. I thought it was a comedy, so I watched it. It was “Platform” [a 2000 film that traces the transformation of Chinese society from 1979 into the early 1990s through the fortunes of a group of young stage actors]. I didn’t know about Jia and, even though I didn’t understand the film, I watched it until the end because the scenes were interesting and fresh. When I met Jia a few years ago, I rewatched all his films, including “Platform.” It was totally different than I remembered. It was amazing. To put it plainly, Jia is my idol, a godlike figure to me. It’s great to have a director like him in China who tells the story of the people and discusses social issues.
Q:Which directors do you admire?
That’s a tough question. Xavier Dolan is a director I admire a lot right now. He directed “I Killed My Mother.” When I learned that he made the film when he was 20, it was like a slap in the face. It inspired me to work harder.
Q:Who are the Chinese directors you like the most?
There are too many excellent Chinese movie directors. I can’t name them all. Jia Zhangke, Jiang Wen and Zhang Yimou are at the top of my list.
Q:The media talks a lot about competition between China and Hollywood. What are your thoughts?

I think the comparison itself is pretty boring. The reason why the market in China has grown so quickly is because China has a huge population. People have more money now, so it’s just filling a demand.

At Cafe 6
導  演: 吳子雲(藤井樹)
演  員: 歐陽妮妮(Nini Ou-Yang)顏卓靈(Cherry Ngan) 、 林柏宏(Lin Bo Hong) 董子健(ZiJian Dong)
上映日期: 2016-07-14
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