iLooker電影網 > 熱門電影 > 影片百匯 > AT ETERNITY'S GATE - Official Trailer - HD (Willem Dafoe, Rupert Friend, Mads Mikkelsen)
AT ETERNITY'S GATE - Official Trailer - HD (Willem Dafoe, Rupert Friend, Mads Mikkelsen)
2018-09-12 11:11:23

Julian Schnabel’s At Eternity’s Gate is a journey inside the world and mind of a person who, despite skepticism, ridicule and illness, created some of the world’s most beloved and stunning works of art. This is not a forensic biography, but rather scenes based on Vincent van Gogh’s (Academy Award® Nominee Willem Dafoe) letters, common agreement about events in his life that present as facts, hearsay, and moments that are just plain invented.
At Eternity's Gate
導  演: 朱利安施納貝爾 、
演  員: 威廉達佛 (Willem Dafoe)邁茲米克森 (Mads Mikkelsen)魯伯特佛蘭德 (Rupert Friend) 、 馬修亞瑪希 、 艾曼紐辛葛娜 (Emmanuelle Seigner)奧斯卡伊薩克 (Oscar Isaac)
上映日期: 2019-02-22
《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》奧斯卡金像獎提名導演 朱利安施納貝爾,改編真人真事撼動人心之作。
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