iLooker電影網 > 熱門電影 > 影片百匯 > Blank 13 Trailer | SGIFF 2017
Blank 13 Trailer | SGIFF 2017
2018-01-08 00:00:00

Set at a funeral of a man who recently returned home to his family after an 13-year absence, Blank 13 brings us through the mourning of a family blunted by resentment. With the arrival of a group of eccentric mourners, their eulogies brings about a change of tone as the family find themselves at the brink of discovery of a man in their life and his life apart.
Blank 13
導  演: 齋藤工 (Takumi Saito)
演  員: 齋藤工 (Takumi Saito)中川雅也 (Lily Franky)
上映日期: 2018-03-30
  電影講述與母親相依為命的一對兄弟,得知了在13 年前不告而別的父親罹癌消息。還來不及追補過去的空白,父親已然逝世,在喪禮上,因為親友的致詞發言,這對兄弟慢慢拼湊起他們所陌生的父親模樣。
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